So, my little E-man's second, 2nd birthday is coming up (read: he is celebrating his 2nd birthday for the second time!, what a lucky kid). For his birthday in New Bern I made what I call a "cupcake pile". Two and a half dozen pound cake cupcakes frosted with buttercream and stacked to create a small mound on a platter, and covered in candles. He loved it! The cake was great, but I'm looking for something with a little more pizzaz! pow! wow! for his second party since I have time and no travel restrictions. I have experimented with fondant in the past, but as I expand my cake business I want to challenge myself to learn new skills and techniques. This is what brought me to my new obsession: making fondant animals!
I figured I would just give it a whirl and see how it turned out. My first two animals, a frog and a panda were admirable attempts, but lacked in the smoothness and scale department. I found them to be large for the two tiered, stacked, fondant covered cake I plan to make. So I went back to the drawing board and came up with the elephant, the zebra, a new panda, a snake and a butterfly. They will harden overnight before I put all the pieces together but I'm crossing my fingers until then. I also plan on making a tiger and a monkey, but let's see how this animal parade goes first!
My cake design will look a little like this one, with a zebra layer of vanilla butter cake with buttercream and a giraffe layer with red velvet and cream cheese icing. Right now I'm itching for a new recipe to try, so I'm online scouring the blog and recipe sites looking for a new, perfect yellow cake recipe and a moist red velvet different from the one I use now. Wish me luck blogworld! The party is Monday so check back for the results and more photos.
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